I grew up listening to Focus on the Family, filing my commute with their broadcasts and gleaning parenting advice while I made dinner. To sit in the studio where countless hours of wisdom have been recorded was surreal. It took me a few minutes to believe that the familiar voices of Jim Daly and John Fuller were coming from real people sitting right in front of me, not my stereo speakers!

Tune in to the Focus on the Family Daily Broadcast on Monday, February 13, 2017 to learn practical suggestions for building friendships and sharing the love of Christ in your community in a discussion based on my book, How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird.

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We’ve been praying for months for everyone who listens to the Daily Broadcast – and their neighbors, too! Whenever I share the story of what God did in my own living room, my heart hurts for the lonely neighbor sitting alone, wondering if God really loves them, too. Please pray with me that this message will inspire us to open our homes to our neighbors – without being weird, of course!

Here’s a sneak peak inside the studio with Jim Daly and John Fuller and the incredible Focus on the Family team –


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I also sat recorded a podcast with Lisa Anderson for Boundless, a community of like-minded single young adults who want to take the drama out of dating, navigate the hard stuff of life, and dive deep into their faith. Whether it’s through their show, blog, articles or annual conference, Boundless provides tons of great material to help 20- and 30-somethings on their journey toward adulthood, marriage and family.


Listen to the “Like a Good Neighbor” Podcast HERE

[19:08] – Do you know your neighbors? Have you even met them? Jesus calls us to love them and be the fragrance of Christ to them, but fitting them into our lives can be tricky. Amy Lively knows this all too well, so she set out to be intentional about investing in those living near her. In her book How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird, Amy dissects the protestations and pitfalls we may have about loving our neighbors and introducing them to Jesus. Join us for this equally fun and convicting conversation.


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