Want to know the hardest thing about writing this book?
I didn’t know who I was writing for.

How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird by Amy Lively Bethany House May 2015How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird was  written to the woman who wants to love her neighbor – but she doesn’t know how. She knows she’s called, she knows she’s commanded… but she doesn’t feel equipped. She’s tired of feeling guilty about Christ’s #2 command, but she doesn’t want to be a freak. She needs tools. She needs my book.

But I didn’t write it for her.

I wrote it to her, but I didn’t write it for her.

I wrote it for her neighbor.

I wrote it for the woman next door who doesn’t know she is loved, and doesn’t believe she is lovely. She doesn’t know that anyone cares. She doesn’t know peace, she has no hope.

I wrote it for her. I wrote it for a woman I may never meet, who won’t comment on my blog, someone who will never like my Facebook page.

But I may meet her in heaven someday, and we will spend a few moments of eternity unraveling the golden thread Jesus wove from my pen to her neighbor’s bookcase then to her front door. Today, she is nameless and faceless – but Jesus knows her.

I believe you know this woman, too. If your heart is broken for the lost and lonely, but you’re not quite sure where to begin, would you please join me on this journey?

I need a team of people to help share this message. The qualifications are simple:

  1. Women who long to obey with Christ’s #2 command – “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39
  2. Willingness to share your feedback about the book on BN.com, Amazon and other retail outlets
  3. Reading the book for quotes and ideas to highlight in social media
  4. Share ideas on how to spread the “How to Love Your Neighbor Without Being Weird” message.

The launch team will be active in March, April and May, 2015. There will also be a few treats for you, including a free copy of the book and my undying devotion! If you’re interested, please click this link and fill out a simple Google form with your contact information. Your information is private and it only takes a minute:


If this isn’t the right time for you, I still boldly ask for your prayers. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions – I’m new to this whole book thing, and I need all the help the Lord sends!


  1. Cindy Bultema

    I believe in you and I believe in this powerful message! I would LOVE to help you in any way that I can!

    • Amy Lively

      Thanks, Cindy!! I’m glad and grateful to have you by my side and on my team. Love you!!

  2. Cathy Foster

    I am very interested in loving my neighbor

  3. Heather Fignar

    I love this: But I may meet her in heaven someday, and we will spend a few moments of eternity unraveling the golden thread Jesus wove from my pen to her neighbor’s bookcase then to her front door. What fun that will be.

    I’m willing to help however you need me to.

  4. Charlotte

    It would be a privilege to help here, too! May God bless all your/our endeavors for His kingdom!

  5. Juanita brandon

    i would be happy to help if you need me. I think I know this girl. I used to look in a mirror when I was young and first married and she would be looking back at me.

    • Amy Lively

      If only she knew then what we know now! Don’t you think that’s what God was thinking then He issued that #2 command? The older ones will warn the younger ones! Hope you’ll fill out the application just to get it on the record: http://goo.gl/forms/6dXB2jaFb9

  6. Vikki Huisman

    I regularly post book reviews on Bookwi.se and based on the title alone, I would live to read and review your book. (I kinda need help in this area)

  7. Kristina D

    So excited for you Amy! Praying with and for you!

    • Amy Lively

      Thank you, Kristina – that’s the most important thing we can do! I’m looking forward to getting to know you more during the launch.

  8. Becky Howell

    You are SUCH an inspiration! Thank you for opening my eyes to loving my neighbors & showing the many ways to witness to my neighbors. God is using you in a very special way!

    • Amy Lively

      I have deep roots, thanks so much to your family’s heritage and legacy of faith!

  9. Lisa Watson

    This looks like a wonderful book. A topic that many women I know struggle with, especially with their busy lives.

    I filled out the form and am praying for the right team to help you.

    • Amy Lively

      Lisa, thank you for your prayers – they are essential! And thank you for being on the launch team. I pray the experience will be a blessing to you! I’ll be in touch about it this weekend.


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