She doesn’t know my name or why I’m here, or why we’re riding in the car. To soothe my great-aunt’s nerves (and perhaps mine), I pull a yellowed piece of paper from the pocket in the front of my Bible. “Do you remember Genevieve?” I ask.

“Oh, yes, she’s my sister! Is she here? I just love to be with Genevieve.”

Grandma Ginger

My Grandmother Genevieve

I don’t bother explaining that Genevieve, my grandmother, has been with Jesus for almost 40 years. This paper is one of my most treasured possessions: the words to to her favorite hymns, a list she once held in her own hands, sentiments she sang for comfort during her losing battle with breast cancer.

“No, she’s not here, but I know all her favorite songs. Would you like to sing them with me?”

She doesn’t know why we’re here or where we’re going, but she knows every word to “The Old Rugged Cross.” She corrects me when I stumble on “How Great Thou Art.” She knows the third and fourth stanzas of “Amazing Grace.” She doesn’t even hesitate at royal diadems and falling prostrate angels in “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name.”

Our brains are wired by God to remember music. He told Moses and Joshua, “I am going to give you the words to a new song. Write them down and teach the song to the Israelites. If they learn it, they will know what I want them to do, and so they will have no excuse for not obeying me” (Deuteronomy 31:19 CEV).

The Neighborhood Cafe has been blessed with a gift of music that will have you singing along to Scripture and affirming words of grace. Each song on the Macchiato Moments CD combines the pure worship of church with the cool vibe of a coffee-shop. Lisa Troyer and Dawn Yoder’s melodies are catchy and comforting.

Macchiato Moments CD

An exclusive Neighborhood Cafe edition of the Macchiato Moments music CD is now included in each Cafe Kit, thanks to the generosity of my friend, singer/songwriter Lisa Troyer of Circle of Friends Ministries!

Pop in the Macchiato Moments CD as your neighbors arrive to your Neighborhood Cafe. You and your neighbors will love it!

Listen to the Macchiato Moments CD here, check out Lisa’s music video, and order your Cafe Kit today –



  1. It’s Not About the Box | The Neighborhood Café - [...] Macchiato Moments music CD Combining the pure worship of church with the cool vibe of a coffee-shop, Lisa Troyer…
  2. Friends from Far and Near | The Neighborhood Café - [...] is the musical talent on the Macchiato Moments music CD in the Cafe Kit – worship music set to…
  3. Will you help me write my book? | The Neighborhood Café - […] responses may be quoted in the book! Plus, each week one commenter will win a Neighborhood Cafe Macchiato Moments…

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