95.5 the fishPlease join me at the Mom Squad Christmas Celebration on December 7 at LaMalfa Conference Center in Mentor, Ohio, sponsored by 95.5 The Fish!

“Son of God, love’s pure light, radiant beams from they hole face, with the dawn of redeeming grace.” That’s the final verse of the classic Christian hymn Silent Night. “Redeeming Grace” is the theme of this year’s Mom Squad Christmas Celebration. Come join us as we take a timeout during the busy holiday season to visit the manager and find joy and rest in His grace.

Mom Squadredeeming graceKeynote Speaker Courtney Joseph. www.womenlivingwell.og. Courtney's passion and sincerity have made her a leader in the Christianblogging community. She has been featured on the nationally syndicated Rachael Ray Show, and has spoken at many national conferences including Relevant, Allume, She Speaks, The Nines and Mom Heart.Musical Guest Aaron Shust. www.aaronshust.comGuest Speaker Amy Lively. www.theneighorhoodcafe.net. No it's not a real Cafe, it's just a time to get to know my neighbors over coffee at my kitchen table, the best place for starting new friendships and deepening old ones.Hosted by Brooke Taylor2013 Mom Squad Christmas Celebration. Saturday, Dece,ber 7, 2013 at LaMalfa in Mentor. Shopping starts at 10:00am. Ballroom doors open at 10:45am. Program starts at 11:00am. General admission seating.menuBuy your tickets here.


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