In Part 1 of Neighboring for Introverts, I talked about the difficult truth that I – an extreme introvert – am commanded to love my neighbor. While this seemed like a paradox to my particular personality, I need to rest in the truth of God’s Word. He promised He will provide what I need to do what He’s commanded.
Once I let that glorious reality settle into my soul, I found that I needed to take some practical steps:
1. Concentrate on individuals rather than groups.
If you’re like me, the idea of inviting all your neighbors into your home causes a mild panic attack. Instead, pray that God would put you in contact with two or three of your neighbors. We introverts do much better on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. Embrace that and let God use it.
2. Make yourself available.
There’s nothing like hurry to squash relationships, but with mile-long to-do lists, I needed to intentionally build in time to BE. My next door neighbors and I both have significant yard upkeep and it provides the opportunity for conversation. But that may mean that not ALL the weeding gets done this Saturday.
For me, it’s yard work. For you, maybe it’s walking your dog. Or a neighborhood play group. Maybe it’s the sidelines of the local sporting field. I have a co-worker who walks through her neighborhood with her husband every morning. They do it to BE available.
Introverts are great at listening and when you build in time to do that, you’ll find that your neighbors have a story to tell.
3. Do small acts of service.
Take dinner to a working mom, just because. Offer to babysit for that couple who desperately needs a date night. Recently, my neighbor saw that our emptied trash can had tipped over and was crushing a plant. She stopped her car and wheeled it all the way down my driveway – that’s 300 feet! It wasn’t convenient and it wasn’t necessary, but it was thoughtful and kind. As a way to help the neighbors, my husband will plow their driveways during these New England winters.
4. Pray for your neighbors.
Our neighbors’ adult son recently moved in, and he throws parties. They open up the basement doors and we can hear every word. We can’t see them because of a row of trees, but the music is loud. They are loud. I like the quiet. There are so many actions I want to take: complain to his parents, call the police, etc… But instead, I pray. I pray for every 20-something there and for an added dose of patience for me. As I’ve done that, my heart toward those kids has softened.
God is so creative. When you rely on Him and make yourself available, He will be faithful to give you ideas and opportunities to love your neighbor.
Thanks for the words of encouragement for us (introverts). “Embrace that and let God use it.” Thank you!