My new friend, Debbie, from Door County, Wisconsin, was my shipmate on the Matters of the Heart Cruise last February/March. You’ll have to take my word that the sparkle in Debbie’s eyes matches the light in her heart. But you can take her word on the power of serving the Gospel in the unlikely evangelism field of Pickleball.

Guest post by Debbie Harmer


“Pickle what!!??!!??”

That was my first reaction when someone told me about Pickleball. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the United States. It’s played on a badminton sized court, with a net like tennis, a paddle and a ball that looks like a wiffle ball.

Who would have known that this game would eventually lead me to Christ.


The Great Pickleball Project

I learned how to play Pickleball and met a whole new group of people that I probably would not have known otherwise. I was playing regularly for about three years, which also coincided with my quest to ” find something”. I had retired about three years before and my husband and I moved to Door County, Wisconsin. The first year was an adjustment. I was lonely, had no hobbies and missed my friends and family. I played Pickleball and had new friends but still felt like something was missing.

I had always considered myself “spritual” but had always been disappointed with organized religion. Then I met Twila, a Christian, at Pickleball and she invited me to a get together at her house with music and fellowship. I said yes, it couldn’t hurt! My husband was working for FEMA and gone for 90 days at a time, so what the heck I would go for some fellowship.

I went and all the music made me want to cry. It was stirring something in me and I felt very vulnerable, probably because my husband was gone and I was lonely. Little did I know that a “PLAN” was in the works!

Next Twila invited me to a one-day Christian Woman’s Retreat where Dee Brestin would be the speaker. I was still playing Pickleball and making friends, but there was something that nudged me to say yes. The only person at the retreat I knew was Twila, and she was involved in coordinating events within the retreat. I took a leap of faith and went by myself (needless to say, I was a little nervous).

I went and enjoyed myself and met many more Christian woman. I was in a small group discussion when our facilitator, Joy, talked about how much Jesus loves us. I asked, “How do we know He loves us?” As the discussion went on, I realized I had never felt His love because I had never felt worthy or good enough to receive His love.

The retreat was in early November, 2013. I continued playing Pickleball and Dee Brestin started playing, too! We would chat between games and she said there would be a bible study starting in the New Year if I was interested. I didn’t know if I wanted to get involved but I had an overwhelming nudge to say “Yes”. Oh boy, what did I get myself into now?!

I began the bible study on the book of John. The first three weeks felt like my head was spinning and sometimes in a vise. I had gone to Sunday school and church most of my childhood and sporadically in my adult life. My husband and I were very involved in a church for nine years, but when we really needed support it seemed like all they were interested in was our tithe. In my mind, I thought Church and God were synonymous; therefore, that meant that God was more interested in money, too. I don’t ever remember being taught the gospel in Church or Sunday School.

I don’t ever remember being taught the gospel in Church or Sunday School.

One of the things we discussed in the bible study was the difference between religion and the gospel. In those discussions I could feel my heart begin to soften as I realized that religion was different than my personal relationship with God. It was the first time I was able to separate religion from God. I had a very hard time understanding how Jesus was there from the beginning because in my mind he wasn’t born until Christmas! Dee and Twila were so very patient with all my questions.

I started to relax and learn about God’s great love for me. It was exciting, but I think I was still in my head because I didn’t feel it in my heart. I still thought I didn’t do enough to deserve His love. I was being told that His love was not based on how much I did as His love was so great he died for my sins on the cross, and it was through His Grace that I was forgiven. I had never understood the magnitude of that until this bible study. I would cry, but still wondered if I would ever feel that love. Dee and Twila were wonderful encouragers, patient and loving. They have since become very dear friends to me.

One rainy day in April, 2014, I was driving through Egg Harbor to meet some friends for lunch. I was in the car with no radio on; just quiet. All of a sudden I had this realization that I didn’t have to do anything and that God loves me just the way I am. Everything in my head moved to my heart in that moment! I pulled over to the side of the road and wept. I was overcome with gratitude, joy and peace. I texted Dee, who was on a speaking engagement, and said, “I got it! I don’t have to do anything. He loves me!”

Everything in my head moved to my heart in that moment!

When I am driving, I imagine Jesus sitting next to me and I just talk to Him and tell Him what is happening in my life and ask His guidance so that I may help to spread His glory – especially to those who don’t know Him.

For me, Pickleball was the beginning of my new and loving relationship with God. I am moved to tears at times as to how much I love Him and so very grateful for the game of Pickleball, which led me to Twila (she recognized a lost soul). This led to a concert which stirred me emotionally, which led to the retreat – then back to Pickleball where I met Dee again. This led to Bible study on John which opened my heart and mind to Jesus and a God I had never known. My husband and I joined a startup Church called The Orchard whose mission is evangelism. Lo and behold, Dee and Twila and there, too – and I later learned that they play Pickleball for the sole purpose of meeting people outside of church.


The Great Pickleball Project 2.png


My Christian journey continues and so does my love for Pickleball. When playing Pickleball and chatting with people between games, I will listen to their stories and if needed pray for them. Pickleball has brought more people to our bible studies, friendships with people I wouldn’t normally have known.

Only He could orchestrate such a plan as this!


  1. Claudia

    Amy thank you for sharing this with the encouragement to Love ‘my’ Neighbor! Continually blessed by you!

    • Amy Lively

      It’s Debbie who is the encouragement on this one! Simply spending time with people and loving them as they are, where they are is what always leads to changed lives. I miss you, friend!


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